Young Social Enterprice Singapore Study Visit Day 1

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✨We are thrilled to share that Chalatex, represented by our team members Ms. Neak Sokkim, Mr. Yek Lynter, and Ms. Kho Sodaneath, joined in the YSE Singapore Study Visit for 3 days.

👉In day 1 at Singapore included visits to key locations such as the Singapore International Foundation, The Social Space @ DUO Galleria, and the vibrant Little India.

✅At the Singapore International Foundation, we engaged in enriching sessions and gained invaluable insights from esteemed speakers on starting and scaling social enterprises. We then moved to The Social Space @ DUO Galleria, where we enjoyed a fantastic lunch and participated in a networking and Q&A session, learning about their impactful journey in supporting marginalized communities.

✅Our cultural tour in Little India was a highlight, filled with historical exploration, delicious local treats, and a hands-on garland bracelet-making activity. It was a day packed with knowledge, culture, and community, inspiring us to bring these learnings back to Chalatex.